DMCA & Take down


If you find any content in our website or, that violets your copyrighted work or content, please let us know.

Official/Proper Procedure.

Keep in mind that we can not remove any contents on basis of no proof of ownership. To get your content removed from here you need to follow any procedure below.

– You will need to send us (with the DMCA takedown mail) atleast one legitimate proof that you are the legitimate owner of the content.
– If you can not or do not want to prove your ownership of your content. Then you must follow the legal route. You need to hire an agent or a lawyer to write an official Copyright/DMCA letter on behalf of you, and then send it to one of our contact email provided here.

Remember you need to send the URL/Link to the copyrighted content to us. This includes, image attachment url, image thumbnail url, video attachment url and thread/page url that contains your copyrighted contents. Also you need to put “Copyright” or “DMCA” in the email title/subject.

Request Takedown

Please e-mail us at both of our email addresses below.
1. uslengket(at)

**remove and replace “(at)” with “@” before sending mail to these email addresses.